Forget the John Lewis ad (or Coca-Cola if you’re feeling retro) it’s not Christmas for me until i’ve had the SoLita Christmas burger. OK, so it’s only the second year of this particular tradition but I hope it will continue and become as regular as the others. Last years was pretty spectacular but somehow they managed to top it with an even more festive burger and a typically SoLita twist.
The Christmas Burger wasn’t the only festive special, we started with a seasonal cocktail ‘Mars Bar Eggnog’. Made from a combination of Mars Bar milkshake, rum, brandy, double cream and nutmeg it was a sweet, creamy, chocolatey delight. Much more indulgent than the already rather indulgent original version, I dread to think how many calories were in it but who cares, it’s Christmas!

Onto the main event ‘The Christmas Burger’, a brioche bun containing a 6oz beef patty, buttermilk fried turkey, panko fried stuffing, sprout tops, pork & cranberry sauce, cranberry mayo and topped with a candied pig in blanket!
It’s a truly amazing creation that somehow manages to pack all the flavours of Christmas dinner into one handy sized burger. The buttermilk fried turkey was fantastic but for me the highlight was the panko coated, deep fried stuffing which is inspired.
Being critical; I found the cranberry mayo a little too sweet and though I love SoLita’s candied bacon I felt the candied pig in blanket wasn’t as successful, it felt a bit odd with the sausage. But other than that it was one of the best burgers i’ve eaten at SoLita since last Christmas and there have been many.

Another special on the board at the time was the less festive but equally impressive (and much better named) ‘SpongeBob Krabby Patty’. I was disappointed when it arrived without the Wasabi Topped Pumpkin seeds that the menu promised although i’ve no doubt they’d have sorted it out for me had I mentioned it. But we were rushing off so I didn’t bother.
Thankfully it tasted amazing without them. I love crab, particularly the soft shell variety but this whole tempura fried soft shelled crab was a beauty. Topped simply with baby gem lettuce & tomato and a gorgeous mayo made from my all time favourite condiment Sriracha.
Mrs FG declared it maybe her favourite ever burger, it’s up there for me but I think mine is ‘The Life Aquatic‘ which featured crab & prawns. Surely not a coincidence that they’re both shellfish based? More seafood burgers next year please SoLita!

Date of visit: 20.12.2013